Y. Deng, N. Pappas, and J. Zhang, “Task-Oriented and Semantic-Aware Communications and Networking for 6G”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Dec. 2023.
I. V. Muñoz, Y. Deng, and V. Frascolla, ” Reinforcement Learning for 5G and Beyond Radio Access Networks: From Design to Implementation”, IEEE EuCNC & 6G Summit, Jun. 2023. [Link]
Y. Deng, N. Pappas, and J. Zhang, “Task-Oriented and Semantic-Aware Communications and Networking for 6G”, IEEE ICC, May 2023. [Link]
Y. Deng, N. Pappas, G. Zhao, and S. Yang, “Task-Oriented Communications and Networks”, IEEE WCNC, Mar. 2023. [Link]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Network Optimization”, IEEE EuCNC & 6G Summit, Jun. 2022. [Link]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Network Optimization”, IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
Q. H. Abbasi, A. Alomainny, N. A. A. Ali, Y. Deng, M. A. Imran, “Nano-scale Terahertz based Communications: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recent Advances”, IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Network Optimization in PHY and MAC Layers”, IEEE ICC, Jun. 2021. [Link]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Artificial Intelligence-based Future Mobile Networks”, ICT Tutorial, Oct 2020. [Link]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Artificial Intelligence-based Future Mobile Networks”, IEEE PIMRC, Aug 2020. [Link]
H. Zhang, Y. Deng, A. Nallanathan, “Artificial Intelligence-based Future Mobile Networks”, ICT Tutorial, April 2019. [Link]
N. Farsad, Y. Deng, A. Noel, E. Andrew, “Molecular Communication: Methods, Simulations, and Experiments,” Proc. IEEE Globecom Tutorial, Dec. 2018. [Link]
Invited Talks
Nov. 8th 2023: Keynote Talk in IEEE ICT 2023
Jun. 14th 2023: Xidian University
May 31st 2023: Ericsson Invited Talk
May 30th 2023: Invited Talk at Huawei Vision Forum
May 11th 2023: Central South University
July 15th 2022: ITU AL/ML in 5G Webinar
Jun. 27th 2022: IEEE VTS Young Professional Lecture
Jun. 9th 2022: EuCNC & 6G Summit Special Session on AI for 6G and Verticals.
May 30th 2022: University of Glasgow, UK, invited by Dr Guodong Zhao.
May 2th 2022: Keynote speaker for the 1st international workshop on AI and blockchain-enabled secure and privacy-preserving air and ground smart vehicular networks at IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
Feb. 2nd, 2021: MBCom 2021, Virtually.
August 18th, 2020: IEEE Comsoc Summer School, Virtually.
March 17th, 2020: 6G Summit, Levi, Finland, invited by the University of Oulu.
Nov. 19th, 2019: University of Liverpool, invited by Prof. Alan Marshall.
July. 10th, 2019: University of Surrey, invited by Prof. Pei Xiao.
Jun. 27th, 2019: Digital Technologies for Global Challenges Workshop, University of Leeds, invited by Dr Syed Ali Raza Zaidi.
May. 24th, 2019: University of Science and Technology of China, invited by Prof. Hancheng Lu.
May. 27th, 2019: Southeast University, invited by Prof. Ming Chen.
May. 27th, 2019: Nanjing University of Science and Technology, invited by Prof. Jun Li.
Jan. 3rd, 2019: National University of Defense Technology, invited by Prof. Qing Lei.
Nov. 20th, 2018: Shanghai Jiaotong University, invited by Prof. Ying Cui.
Nov. 16th, 2018: Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication, Beijing, China, invited by Dr Bin Li.
Oct. 31st, 2018: Wireless World Research Forum, Billund, Denmark.
Symposium Chair
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Roma, Italy, 2023
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, UK, 2020
Guest Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications: Special Issue on AI-Enabled Internet of UAVs
Guest Editor, Elsevier Nano Communication Networks: Special issue on Mathematical Modelling, Implementations, Applications and Simulators for Molecular Communications.
Guest Editor, Journal of Communications and Networks: Special Issue on Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Wireless Communications.
Technical Program Committee Member
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NanoCom)
Conference on Signal Processing, Telecommunications, and Computing (SigTelCom)
IEEE Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel)
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
IEEE Communications Letters
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking